2023 Glacial Lakes Motorcycle Club "Alvin Bertram Memorial Mural" Grand Tour

After some consideration of various potential bonus categories, like Libraries, State Capitols, Big Things, Little Things, Town Parks and Candy Stores,  the Rally Master settled on "murals in strange places " as a memorial tribute to the late Alvin Bertram.

Mr Bertram was a long-time, active member and business sponsor of the Glacial Lakes Motorcycle Club, and had acted as the Rally Master for various events over a number of years.

Sadly, he passed away in January 2022 from the effects of Covid-19.

The theme of the last rally that Mr Bertram created was "murals in unexpected places", hence the theme for the 2023 Grand Tour.

Now by definition a mural, from the Latin murus (wall),  is an image, or other work of art such as a tile mosaic, on a wall or a ceiling.  

For the 2023 Grand Tour, all murals need to met these requirements :-

  • be at least 64 sq-ft in area.   This equates to 6 sq-m, 1 garage door, 2 sheets of  construction plywood, or 2 large motorcycles.
  • must be created by hand with artistic and/or decorative intent.
  • must be an obviously legal or commissioned work, or private property painted and/or approved by the property owner.
  • non-commissioned, illegal street art, general graffiti, gang tags, or works of questionable origin will not be accepted.

It was a pleasant surprise when the RM also announced that the Grand Tour would run from 1-Jan-2023 to 30-Sep-2023 which will allow for some Summer riding, here in Oz.

Game on.


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