Planning - The New Strategy

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I have come to realise that suburban "stop/go" traffic, with crazy city drivers who spend more time on their phone than looking at the road and big city parking hassles are not to my liking.

So, I have decided on a change in my Grand Tour strategy to one where I just hunt down the largest murals in physical size, with a sampling of wall murals from the towns I ride through, along the way.

While this revised strategy will not provide enough bonus points to achieve a podium finish, it should get me "out & about", away from tedious city traffic and provide enjoyable back-country riding.

The largest murals I have found are the painted grain silos, of which there are 36 on the east coast of Oz.

click on image to enlarge

The next largest murals are the painted water towers and water tanks, of which there are 89 on the east coast.

click on image to enlarge

Previously, due to family circumstances, I needed to stay within 1 day's ride of my home. This equated to about a 450 km radius, however the circumstances have now improved and I am now able to push this out to a 1.5-day radius (650 km)

click on image to enlarge

If I remove the bonus locations outside the 650 km radius, and excluding the Sydney metropolitan area, I have a revised bonus field that looks like this :--

click on image to enlarge

You will notice that I have included a cluster of grain silos just outside the 650 km radius, down near the Victorian border.  This is such a "target rich" area, with some fantastic grain silo art, that I just have to include it in my plans.

Lastly, if I add back in the designated "Street Art Towns" which I may visit on my way to the grain silos and water towers, I end up with this revised bonus field.

click on image to enlarge

And as I have already been actively bagging bonuses since 01-Jan, I can eliminate some of these revised bonus locations, resulting in the following map which shows my current potential bonus field.

click on image to enlarge

My intention now is to re-visit my remaining original riding plans and modify them to use the grain silos and water tanks as the main objectives.

On a final note, I have identified that Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory has over 70 wall murals, a real honey-pot for bonus hunters and it does have a couple of water tank murals, so I may have to come up with a special Canberra Only ride.  Time will tell.

Anyway, Game On, again.


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